2019 Player Subs Due + Social Memberships
Published April 10, 2019

With just over two weeks remaining before Round 1 of the 2019 season, if you haven’t already, make sure you pay your player subs or purchase your social membership as soon as possible.
2019 Player Subs Now Due
If you are having difficulty in paying it all in one hit, get in touch with Ben Dibden to sort out a payment plan.
Players will only be eligible for selection in Round 1 if they have paid their subs or reached an agreement for a payment plan with Ben Dibden before 25 April 2019.
The link to Trybooking to pay your subs is:
Any queries, direct them to Ben Dibden on 0414 184 028 or via FB.
100th Year Social Membership
Some people are great at spotting a gap and punching through human traffic, other people have a penchant for lurking behind a ruck and ironing out unfortunate runners attempting to sneak down the blindside,… but for others, … well …their secret talent is to express themselves with overly enthusiastic laughter and generally invade people’s personal space, whilst cheering on LRU from the sidelines each weekend.
At Lindfield Rugby Club, we seek to cater for all walks of life.
With this in mind, we announce that Lindfield Rugby Club 100th year Social Memberships are now open!!
LRU Social Membership entitles you to:
- 1 x Limited Edition 100th Year Lindfield Rugby Club Polo shirt
- 1 x Limited Edition 100th Year Lindfield Rugby Club key ring
- 1st beer at all home games during the 2019 season are Free!
- Generous discounts on food and beverages at the Club’s bar sponsor, ‘The Public’ at Cammeray.
Total cost is $65 per social membership and can be booked via Trybooking at the following link:
Whether you’re playing or supporting, get involved for this historic year for Lindfield Rugby Club!